Casper (voiced by Malachi Pearson) is a kind young ghost who peacefully haunts a mansion in Maine. When specialist James Harvey (Bill Pullman) arrives to communicate with Casper and his fellow spirits, he brings along his teenage daughter, Kat (Christina Ricci). Casper quickly falls in love with Kat, but their budding relationship is complicated not only by his transparent state, but also by his troublemaking apparition uncles and their mischievous antics.
Important Information:
Film Start Time: Doors open at 11:30 a.m., and the film will begin promptly at 12:30 p.m. As our films are general admission seating, please be sure to arrive early to secure your seat. Beer, wine, and concessions will be available.
Free Parking:
We’re pleased to offer complimentary parking for all attendees. Simply bring your parking ticket from the library parking lot (across from the Main Library on Rock Street) or the parking deck (next to the Main Library on Rock Street) inside the theater, and our friendly box office staff will validate it for you. Validations are for paid ticket holders only.
We look forward to welcoming you to an evening of timeless storytelling at the CALS Ron Robinson Theater!
Casper (1995, PG)
Casper (1995, PG)100 River Market Ave.
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201