Designed in the Neo-classical style, the Arkansas State Capitol building was built over a century ago as a replica of the US Capitol and has
been used in many movies as a stand in.
The Arkansas State Capitol building features Arkansas granite and six
bronze doors and three chandeliers crafted by Tiffany's of New York. The
dome has a 24-karat gold plated cupola.
"Testaments", the Civil Rights Memorial sculpture of the Little Rock
Nine, African American students that courageously integrated Little Rock
Central High School in 1957. Situated on the north side of the Arkansas
State Capitol building, it faces the Governor's office window. It was
the first Civil Rights Memorial located on any State Capitol grounds in
the south.
The Vietnam Veterans' Memorial is also located on the Capitol grounds.
Located on the southeast corner of the capitol grounds, a lasting
tribute to the over 60,000 Arkansans who served; and over 600 sons of
this state who lost their lives; and the 22 men still listed as missing
in action as a result of the war.
Arkansas State Capitol
Arkansas State Capitol500 Woodlane St
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201